Why am I having problems accessing SciFinder-n?

SciFinder Troubleshooting Checklist



  • Make sure you are using SciFinder-n recommended web browser technology (Systems requirements and recommendations).
  • Clear your web browser cache, cookies, and history.
  • Accept all "untrusted certificate" warnings that pop up.  
  • Avoid SciFinder-n  limits.
  • Reset password if you are unable to connect to an existing account. 

Facts You Should Know about SciFinder-n 

1. You must register a username and password at SciFinder® User Registration. Users must use this specific link address because it identifies our campus account (ex. johndoe@ualr.edu). 

2. After registering, you must use the link address that is on the Ottenheimer Library https://researchguides.ualr.edu/az.php?a=s page. This specific link is used to  authenticate you as an UALR employee or student. You can bookmark this link, but it must follow this string: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/ualr.edu?url=https://scifinder-n.cas.org

3.  Sometimes SciFinder-n sends more than a browser has room for, even in logging in. In this case, you may need to clear your browser's browsing data and try to log in again.

4. CAS, the company that owns SciFinder, is pretty cautious and tends to turn off access if they suspect suspicious activity which may include new activity after a long period of unuse. You may have the best results by contacting CAS support directly to reinstate the account. It is best for you to contact support directly about login issues because you  will be able to give personal account information.  

If you had a previous account with another CAS resource like SciFinder basic, that  account will work with SciFinder-n.

CAS SciFinder Training Videos



  • Last Updated Oct 26, 2022
  • Views 688
  • Answered By Louise Lowe

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